After last month’s very successful LOCO Summer Picnic, we will be breaking with tradition and having our August meeting down in Colorado Springs. Details follow:
Where: The Trading Post Gift Shop and Restaurant inside the Garden of the Gods Park
324 Beckers Lane
Manitou Springs, CO 80829
Meeting: Saturday, August 24th from Noon to 2 PM
Drive: Saturday, August 24th from 9:30am to Noon
We have an outside pavilion reserved and the parking area on the east side of the building will be blocked off for the club. See the link below for Information of the Trading Post itself and its menu. Our own Tim Haas who owns the Trading Post will be offering reduced prices for food and coupons that can be used for purchases in the Gift Shop! The Gift Shop offers all the traditional Colorado gift stop things (T-shirts, hats, rubber tomahawks, etc…etc…) but also has a very high end art and clothing department that’s worth a visit all by itself!
If you are not familiar with the Garden of the Gods, the link below is a good reference for things to do while you are there.
In addition, Chris Lindley has kindly designed a very nice two hour drive around the Cripple Creek area in Teller County prior to the meeting that will start in Divide at 9:30 AM and terminate at the Trading Post for lunch and the meeting. Details are on the link below:
If someone from Denver wants to organize a drive down to the Divide starting point let us know and we can get the details out to the club.
Obviously, if you are not interested in the drive you can simply arrive at the Trading Post around noon for the meeting and perhaps tour the park before or after the meeting.
RSVP - If you plan to attend the meeting and/or the drive, please let us know so we have an idea about numbers for the restaurant and how many cars to expect on the drive. If you have any questions or concerns,
contact me by e-mail at:
or call: (719) 473-6953 .
Mike Ingelido